Since starting this project it has been my ambition to seek out the origins of the Cyples name. My first approach was to see what was available on the Internet. When the surname was typed into the search box of a Search Engine, nothing at all came up to suggest where the name might have come from. I was; however, very surprised to discover that there is a chemical agent in use in the Chech Republic called Cyples. Another reference was to a type of bread. Apparently, Cyples is defined as being Greek bread of the people.
I am still no closer to solving the history of my ancestral name. I believe that it could have come from the continent of Europe, but I have no proof of this. It is just a thought. My choice favouring France, based on the spelling of the name. The ending "les" leads me to this theory.
The latest research that I have come across on the subject of the origin of the name of Cyples,
 is a publication called The Distinctive Surnames of North Staffordshire ,Volume III, Nicknames, by Edgar Tooth, published by Churnet Valley Books. To quote from the text, ----------
"Several recordings from the Seighford parish registers make very interesting reading: burials include Mary Signpole on June 28th, 1760 and Richard Signpole on July 10th of the same year, plus John Simpole on January 28th, 1776.John, son of Richard and Margaret Simpole was baptised on April 28th, 1788.These spellings could well herald the later Siples,Cyples, which crop up in the Norton-in-the-Moors registers from the late 1700s onwards eg 1793:Jesse Cyples married Lydia Steel on December 8th and Mary Siples and Richard Kelsall were wed there on 28th, August 1808.At Newcastl;e-under Lyme, Edward Cyples (1791) might be identical with Edward Samples (1805), although no actual proof is forthcoming.The forms Signpole and Simpole for Seighford certainly could be transposed into Cyples, with loss of the medial unstressed "gn" and "m", becoming Siple, then Ciple(s) and eventually Cyples. 1851:Elizabeth Simpole (milliner, dressmaker), Foregate Street, Stafford;Ellen Cyples (gold dealer), Gower Street, Longton; 1907: Wilmot Cyples (potter), Hot Lane, Burslem;1907."
I have had e-mails from a number of people with their views. Here are some of them-------
My Dad told me that 'Cyples' is a French name, which came to S-O-T when the Master Potters came from France. If you have any other information on our family name I would be very interested to know.
Best Wishes
Laura Cyples xxx
Thank you for your note concerning the Cyples family name. I'm really not
sure of the origin of the Cyples surname, but it would not surprise me in the
least to learn that it had its beginnings in the name Seipel from Germany.
In the US the name Seibel or Seipel has taken on many spellings, such as
Seiple, Sciple, Siple, Siples, etc. I have even received mail spelling my
name as Cyple! This would certainly be one of the many phonetic spellings of
a German name formulated by an English speaking ear.

I know that some Seipels travelled down the Rhine from the Palatinate and
stopped in Dover, England on the way to America in about 1709. I've always
wondered if some of these folks stayed in England and never made it to
America. If this happened, the name would have almost certainly undergone
some spelling changes.

These are only theories, and I'm sorry that I cannot offer a more solid
answer. I'd be interested to know if you come across the answer!

Best of luck,
Mark Seipel
Virginia Beach, VA