The Cyples Family
Letters from the New World

Actual letter from L to FW

My Grandfather, FW Snr, had a younger brother Leonard, who had lived in Canada for most of his life. FW Snr. had kept in touch with him by letter, but on his death, and at the request of my Grandmother, it became the responsibility of my father to do the corresponding. He was now the head of the family and keeping in touch with "the Old Uncle" was his responsibility.
He duly contacted his uncle and informed him of the death of his father, and so the letter writing began!
It was not long before Leonard made the suggestion that FW and family should pack up and go and live in Canada. Most of the letters that are still at hand make reference to that very thing!!
Please note:
These letters have been transcribed exactly how they have been written,
including spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Click here for an example of an actual letter. (113Kb)
13th July 1945 Leonard itemises his income. 
24th September 1945 Offers FW financial support.
26th July 1946 Len makes a profit and offers still more money.
7th August 1946 Len sends a food parcel.
28th August 1946 Under no circumstances book passage!
16th November 1946 Len has second thoughts and goes to school.
22nd November 1946 Len sends the money.
11th January 1947 Sell up and book passage.
6th February 1947 Instructions for popping the corn.
11th March 1947 Len needs his Birth certificate.
19th March 1947 Plastering is the answer.
29th March 1947 Lens gets angry.
31st March 1947 Become a Plasterers Helper.
12th April 1947 The argument goes on.
17th April 1947 The offer of a house
22nd April 1947 Take the 1st available boat.
29th April 1947 Len builds a 2 car garage.
6th May 1947 It's a con, charter your own steamer!!. 
19th May 1947 I'll meet you at the station. 
28th November 1947 To Whom it may Concern.
As you can see from the letters above, life was going to be greatly improved in the New World.
The promise of a house of our own, guaranteed income and the eventual inheritance of L.J.'s estate. Compare this to the hard times people were suffering in post war England. While the decision to emigrate must have been a hard one to make, the promise of a better life was too good to turn down.
However, to find out what really happened, see the next page... The Canadia Adventure