The Cyples Family
Letters from the New World

7th August 1946
Dear Fred and Family
I wrote you 2 weeks ago but since this is by air mail you should read this first also am sending you a parcel of food as I mail this. Was unable to send cheese or honey but sent soup?????
As I said in my letter2 weeks ago you are run down and should leave coal mining.
I have been diverting??? some thoughts lately as to how I might be able to constructively assist you boys and your married sister. or those of you who could do with aid. As I may have said in my last letter (mailed a fortnight ago) I think that in the course of a year the Govt will be willing to receive immigrants with reduced fares in force. and if so all of you would be better off to go to some other place~ Canada for instance ~unless you have or are in easy economic circumstances there at home.
England as I see it is over-populated. There seems to be no opportunity for the people of your station of life to be able to do any more than to exist. It is said "The sun never sets on the B Empire" it seems to me more of Englands young should go to the newer parts.
As for myself I am fine But don't know what to do at times. I see a profitable piece of property to buy but should I acquire it ?If some of your people are ever coming then it would be alright to buy it otherwise the answer is no.
You had better keep your passport in good standing then if later you decide to come it will be available to use.
I as said in my last letter I intend to send you some money at least 100 pounds in all. I could assist your boys to get here and assist you after arrival. This would be what seems to me to be constructive assistance.
If you were here what would you work at? Why help me repair etc houses and apartments and perhaps undertake new construction. As for income I have sufficient for all of us.
Well I must conclude this letter .
PS.Hope parcel comes OK and shall always write by air mail in future. as it is quicker