The Cyples Family Letters from the New World
28th August 1946
Dear F and Family
Your letter post marked Aug 23 was recd Aug 26th!
About your propased coming over here, First you said you had decided to come and then in your last letter you stated that you had been at the booking office. Now do not make application for passage in Nov. nor any other date at present. For Nov. is too soon.
Early Sping or Summer is soon enough if not too soon.
The question is should you really come or not In a few days I will write a letter and send it by ordinary mail as air mail does not admit???of enough space and in that letter I will outline the program which I think would be best practicable plan of work to follow on your arrival here then you can decide better whether you want to come or not. In the mean time keep on with your work.
One of my tenants with his wife has just left for England (Aug 27).His fare was $660.00 this is $330.00each so he told me. He had been a tenant of mine for 2/12 years His Name and address is
Mr J William.Kirkham c/o H Kirkham Wisbeck Rd. Long Sutton Lincolnshire
Perhaps that is not far from you and if so and you wanted information about things here you could call on him.
Under no circumstances do not book passage until I think the time is right and you have read the data from me to enable you to decide about coming.
My father took up the suggestion of contacting and received a letter from him dated 14/4/1947. It reads as follows.......
Dear Sir
I received your letter dated 8/4/47 re your Uncle. I found him a good landlord and we often had some long talks about politics and local affairs and found him a fairly broad minded man. And during our talks he mentioned he had a nephew who he was corresponding with in England and said as he had no near relations in Canada he would like him to come out. As he was getting on in years. he as quite a bit of property and said he would like to know who he was leaving it to. He is a man who has worked hard all his life, to prepare for his old age and he has made a good job of it. As his property bring him in more than a living,
The climate is far warmer and better in Canada than it is here. And Vancouver is a City of over 4 hundred thousand of population. It's a beautiful City and grand surroundings. We are thinking of returning to Canada next year ourselves, to get away from this rationing business, If you write to your Uncle give him our fondest regards.
Yours Sincerely
J W Kirkam